Friday, September 3, 2010

Since I'm so dead here....

Sorry guys due to my own inactivity since my art stuff is usually posted to Fur Affinity or Y!Gallery or Deviant Art I haven't touched this place in months, I created a sister blogspace page for both my and guest art/stories for my characters in World of Warcraft, Swap over there I promise you'll see more updates!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

FIRST ENTRY - Art Highlight

So to get my paws on the ground I definitely need to take some time aside to introduce the marvelous artwork of Shawn Ye, I came across his webpage today and was pretty much thrown back by the beauty of his artwork, I definitely recommend checking it out. Anthropomorphic characters by nature, mostly males no sex or obsurd levels of nudity. Great fantasy landscapes and drawings. Big paws up from this wolf, go check it out!

In other news, I've finally made a post here, yay! I'll put up various art pieces, movie crittiques I come across, I'm a big fan of WoW so some significantly awesome World of Warcraft that I find particularly interesting. I'll get the handle on this place. I'll introduce story ideas, artwork ideas and comic ideas (since I'm big on all three) and give 'em out as needed. I hope to update this as often as I can but we'll see where I goes with this :)

Anyway! Enjoy sit back, relax. If you want to check my LJ or my Deviant Art accounts feel free, if you want to bounce to my Fur Affinity, a lot of my artwork gets posted there but some can be adult in nature :).